Labels:book | crt screen | earth | monitor | poster | reckoner | sky OCR: TIFF 5.0 Basic Fields Hasic fields are fields that are fundarnental I to the pixel Larchitectre yisual characteristics of an image BItsPerSampte Tae 258 {102} Type SHORT SamplesPerPixel Number of bits per sample Nole that this tag allows different numbe of bits per sample for each sample corresponding to a pixel For example RGB color data could quarajp t go msqurnu bits per sample for cach of the three color planes. Most RGB fites HTM have the number BitsPerSample for each sample Ever in this case ho sure to inchude all hree entries. Writing when you tmean 8.8.8 ecedentfor other fieteds Default = 1. Scc alsa SamplesPerPixel ColorMap Tas 320 (140) Type SHORT '2* BisP erSamp{e} This tag defines a Red-- Green-Bue cotar mapfor patette cotor images milette cotor pixel vale is used10 index into ...